The legend of La Llorona has had many versions of it is existence, and everyone knows therir history in different countries. This legend spread to other parts of the country, manifesting it self in various ways. In some villages it was said that La Llorona was a young lover who had died on the eve of the wedding and the groom brought the crown of white roses that never used. Elsewhere, it was believed a mother who came to mourn their children orphans.Some say it is a woman who drowned her children one evening and the search along the streams or creeks, uttering prolonged mourning. Another description of the police car is: Figure unpleasant woman, tall and disheveled, long dress and cadaverous face. With his long arms holding a dead child. Spend the night crying, pitiful sobs seeding with the terror in the camps, villages and even cities.It refers to the character according to oral tradition, which is defined as a single mother who decided not to take your child and aborting it, carrying it the punishment of permanent hearing the cries of her child. This punishment of despair and forced to wander the world without finding calm, crying, moaning and asking for the whereabouts of his ill-fated son.